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Traveling Abroad as a Legal Permanent Resident Without Abandoning Status

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantA Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) or green card holder will remain in status as long as they do not lose or abandon their status, or until they complete their naturalization process.  Abandoning status can result from several different actions, including the following: If you move…


USCIS Announces the Start, Updates, and Changes to FY 2020 H-1B Cap Season

The H-1B visa[1] allows for employers in the U.S. to hire temporary foreign workers in specialty occupations. The cap has been set by Congress to 65,000 for H-1B visas per fiscal year. 20,000 additional visas are available per fiscal year to H-1B cap-subject petitions with an advanced degree from a qualifying U.S. institution. The United…


Everything You Need to Know about the Employment-Based EB-2 Visa

There are three primary categories for an employment based green card: The first preference is for an EB-1, for individuals with extraordinary ability, those who are an outstanding professor or researcher, or are a multinational executive or manager.[1] The second preference EB-2 is for individuals with an advanced degree or who have an exceptional ability.[2]…


The Cannabusiness Key | Maryland’s New Grower and Processor Licenses

The Cannabusiness Key | Maryland’s New Grower and Processor Licenses Did you know that Maryland is opening a new round of applications for grower and processor licenses in March 2019? This is probably the last opportunity to be awarded a license under Maryland’s thriving medical cannabis program for many years. Offit Kurman Cannabis attorney walks…


Saturday Side Hustle: Music Meets the U.S. Copyright Office

Last week’s article got me the most positive feedback I’ve received yet from the Side Hustle. I think it’s because the account I gave was more personal than usual, and I think a lot of people like that. Maybe it made some of you think to reconnect with someone you’ve been meaning to get back…


Maryland’s Minimum Wage Is About to Increase, With or Without Gov. Hogan’s Support

The Maryland General Assembly has approved a bill that would raise the state’s minimum wage from $10.10 to $15 per hour. Earlier this week, the House and Senate passed a compromised version of the resolution, moving it forward to Governor Larry Hogan’s desk. The bill is all but certain to become law. Although Gov. Hogan…


The Gimme – Small Business Prime Contractors

  Small business prime contractors are generally required to perform at least 50% of the contract. However, small businesses are allowed to count performance by “similarly situated” entities (e.g., an 8(a) subcontractor on an 8(a) award) toward the performance requirement.       If you have questions about this or any other Government Contracts matter,…


Friday Factoid: Pisces

For those who believe in astrology, people born between February 19 and March 20 are Pisces. The Pisces symbol consists of two fish swimming in opposite directions. To recognize our Pisces friends and relatives, test your knowledge of these fish-related intellectual property assets.


New Businesses Plugging Forward in and Around Downtown

Historic Preservation Commissions often get a bad rap for unnecessarily hindering redevelopment and adaptive reuse of properties with historical significance. However, recent projects approved by the City of Frederick Historic Preservation Commission in the historic downtown area lay waste to that misconception and prove that historic preservation is not the enemy of redevelopment and new investment…


Just Keep Swimming

The cold-weather months can be daunting for exercise enthusiasts. Cold temperatures and long days deter motivation to move and increase fatigue. As someone who enjoys athletics, I struggle with striking a balance when the temperatures drop. I recently rediscovered the ideal remedy: swimming. I first learned to swim when I was around 9 years old….