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Read Delete: 5G Dwarfs All of 4G’s Specs

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevant 5G mobile internet coverage will begin in April, making its first debut around the world. 5G internet is designed both to replace and improve internet coverage consumers currently received from 4G internet. This new service offers improved latency, bandwidth and a much higher number…


The Weekly Scenario: UTMA Accounts

Question: What is a UTMA account and is it a recommended account?


The Monday Morning Minute: What do you do when a tenant claims he/she needs multiple support animals? 

Access to Rental Housing on a fair and equal basis is a right – and it’s the law. As a property owner, management agent or if you make your living from residential real estate, spend a minute a week to protect yourself from fair housing claims and suits. Check out today’s The Monday Morning Minute


Reminder For Maryland Business Entities: Don’t Forget To File Annual SDAT Business Filings

It is that time of year again for all business entities formed, qualified or registered to do business in Maryland (whether domestic or foreign). An Annual Report, and, if necessary a Business Personal Property Tax Return, must be filed with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT) by APRIL 15, 2019, unless an extension…


Saturday Side Hustle: The Importance of Copyright Registration

Believe it or not, I don’t like lawsuits. I suppose that is why my practice is dedicated at least on some level to helping people avoid them. However, the prospect of being sued can be a powerful deterrent for bad actors. That’s where copyright registration may come in handy if you are the author of…


M&A Nugget: Grace Under Pressure

On Saturday evening, The University of Virginia Cavalier’s basketball guard Kyle Guy sank three free throws with .6 seconds remaining in the game to propel Virginia to the NCAA basketball championship game Monday evening. Talk about grace under pressure. After the game, Bruce Pearl, coach of the Auburn Tigers, said that what was most important…


Friday Factoid Quiz: Board Games

April 13th is National Scrabble Day. This day honors the birthday of the game’s inventor, Alfred Mosher Butts, who developed the game during the Great Depression.  To mark this occasion, test your knowledge of these intellectual property facts relating to SCRABBLE® and other highly popular board games:   [quiz-cat id=”76949″]   If you have any…


What to Do if Someone Sues You

It can feel like a nightmare. You walk into work or arrive home and find out that someone is suing you or your business. Your head floods with worst case scenarios. While a pending lawsuit can be stressful, it is also manageable if direct and immediate action is taken. The following are simple steps that…


Is THAT Legal – Fishing Edition

“Is THAT Legal?” shines a light on not-so-obvious statutory and/or regulatory laws the existence of which you might find surprising and serves to remind that consulting a knowledgeable legal advisor before acting might just help you avoid breaking a law you didn’t even know existed! Test your knowledge with this short quiz today!


D.C. Property Management Minute: How to file a breach of lease lawsuit in D.C.

When it comes to property management, the District of Columbia has a unique set of laws. Join Billy each week as he gives you advice on dealing with a common property management problem in D.C. and how to quickly solve it.