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Saturday Side Hustle: Plant Variety Protection

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantLately the investment community has been all atwitter about the recent legalization of industrial hemp that came with the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill. Not only did the Farm Bill expand the rights to cultivate hemp, defined as a plant of the species Cannabis…


Pinnacles: Terry Dunlap, Co-Founder of Tactical Network Solutions and ReFirm Labs

Terry Dunlap is the co-founder of Tactical Network Solutions and the co-founder of ReFirm Labs. For over a decade, Tactical Network Solutions has worked with members of the intelligence community, military, and law enforcement to discover hidden cyber attack vectors in advance of a potential breach.


Pretty In Pink

  Pretty In Pink 400 Women in One Place… Well that’s what happened on Friday at Turf Valley for the Blossoms of Hope Pretty in Pink luncheon and fashion show. To describe the fashion show as emotional does not do it justice, as most of the models are cancer survivors.  You know that loss I…


Plant Variety Protection and Hemp Products

The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, commonly known as the 2018 Farm Bill, legalized the cultivation of hemp throughout the United States and extended the right to protection under the Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA) to breeders of asexually produced plant varieties, subject to certain qualifications. For the hemp industry, this means a new set…


Stop Gambling – The Right Way to Avoid Wrongful Evictions

There is no way to sugar-coat this reality–the attorneys in the Landlord Representation Group are in the business of evicting tenants. Evicting tenants is, simply put, the culmination of the work we do for our clients, the sometimes necessary result of taking action to protect your assets, your employees and your other tenants. Our job…


Friday Factoid Quiz: Flowers Edition

Because April showers bring May flowers and because Mother’s Day serves as a great opportunity to buy flowers, test your knowledge of these logos and other intellectual property assets associated with flowers…


New USPTO Examination Guide Offers Opportunities For Registration of Trademarks For Certain Hemp-Related Goods And Services After Enactment of The 2018 Farm Bill

On May 2, 2019, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) published Examination Guide 1-19 titled Examination of Marks for Cannabis and Cannabis-Related Goods and Services after Enactment of the 2018 Farm Bill (“Guide”).  The Guide contains some good news for hemp producers, growers and sellers, albeit with certain caveats.  It also provides a…


Is THAT Legal – Boulder Bowling Edition

“Is THAT Legal?” shines a light on not-so-obvious statutory and/or regulatory laws the existence of which you might find surprising and serves to remind that consulting a knowledgeable legal advisor before acting might just help you avoid breaking a law you didn’t even know existed! Test your knowledge with this short quiz today!


Renting Out Your Home: The Rules on Short-Term Rentals

Summer is a great time to get away and enjoy the weather. With the rise of Airbnb and other rental websites, making money while you are away on your own trip is more accessible than ever. Local governments recently started to regulate the use of private homes as rental homes (just as hotels and motels…


D.C. Property Management Minute: How a property manager should prepare for an evidentiary hearing in D.C.

When it comes to property management, the District of Columbia has a unique set of laws. Join Billy each week as he gives you advice on dealing with a common property management problem in D.C. and how to quickly solve it.