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D.C. Property Management Minute: How to handle a situation when someone, who is not a tenant, is living in one of your units

When it comes to property management, the District of Columbia has a unique set of laws. Join Billy each week as he gives you advice on dealing with a common property management problem in D.C. and how to quickly solve it.


Legalese Explained: Pari Passu

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantI know I promised that I would be back after the unofficial start of summer (Memorial Day Weekend), but here I am, after the official start of summer. Hopefully you’ve been having a great month. I’ve been catching up with work and enjoying long walks…


Read Delete: Current U.S. Expansion to Become Longest Ever

The Great 2007 Recession, signaled a drastic slow-down in the US economy that lasted for almost two years. That is until September 20, 2010,  when the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the chronicler of economic cycles in the United States, announced that June 2009 marked a trough in business activity signaling the end of…


The Weekly Scenario: Anonymous Charitable Gift

Question: How can an individual donor make a significant charitable gift anonymously, but not jeopardize the tax deduction? Answer:  Some people would prefer to make their charitable gifts without their identity being disclosed. However, donors generally need a receipt from the charity to document gifts for tax return purposes. In order to get a receipt, it…


Confession: I Am Only Human…


Will I Lose My Trademark License if the Licensor Files for Bankruptcy?

I’m Nervous.  I am a Licensee of Trademarks.  Will I Lose My Trademark License if the Licensor Files for Bankruptcy? Let’s set the stage.  Your company enters into an agreement to use another’s intellectual property, including its trademarks.  You invest significant capital in your business which is highly dependent upon your ability to continue to…


The Monday Morning Minute: Who Pays for the Modifications for Reasonable Accommodations for Tenants with Disabilities?

Access to Rental Housing on a fair and equal basis is a right – and it’s the law. As a property owner, management agent or if you make your living from residential real estate, spend a minute a week to protect yourself from fair housing claims and suits. Check out today’s The Monday Morning Minute.


Linda Ostovitz Sworn in as President of the Rotary Club of Columbia Patuxent

Offit Kurman’s Linda Ostovitz was sworn in on Friday, June 28th, 2019, as the President of the Rotary Club of Columbia-Patuxent. Past President Alice Ford had very kind words about the club and was recognized for her leadership. Linda is honored to serve her club. The Rotary Club of Columbia-Patuxent was especially welcoming to her when she first…


Infographic: The State of the M&A Market in 2019

“What’s market?” Two words, a world of assumptions, fears, hopes, and expectations. The question of what is or isn’t “market” can cause significant friction between parties in a merger, acquisition, or another kind of business transaction. At the same time, a buyer or seller with knowledge of larger market forces and trends is well-equipped to…


Saturday Sidebar: Alcohol Regulations in The Old Line State

I’ll begin with The Old Line State of Maryland – because that’s where I live. By the way, I thought that nickname was a reference to the Mason-Dixon line, but according to a trusted source (the Internet), the nickname pays homage to the Maryland Line, which were Revolutionary War troops. You learn something new every…