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Philadelphia Fair Workweek [Infographic]

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevant As more cities and states enact variations of fair workweek laws, the number of people impacted is growing exponentially. Because the laws are state or locality specific, it may seem the number of people affected by these laws will be on the low end….



In early June, 2019 at an apartment in uptown Charlotte, gunfire erupted at a graduation party. One person was killed and three more were injured, one of them critically. Residents of the entire complex were forced out of their units into the street in the middle of the night while the police conducted their investigation….


New U.S. Rule to Require Foreign Trademark Applicants to Hire U.S. Attorneys

If you wish to file a new trademark application or maintain/renew an existing trademark registration in the United States, and you are domiciled outside the U.S. (or your company is), you will soon need to hire a U.S.-based attorney to do so.  The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has announced that beginning August 3,…


Arbitration Agreements and Lamps Plus

The Supreme Court recently provided additional, employer-friendly guidance on arbitration agreements. SCOTUS held that a court cannot require classwide arbitration when the underlying arbitration agreement is “ambiguous” about the availability of such arbitration. In Lamps Plus, Inc. v. Varela, Varela, a Lamps Plus employee brought an action on behalf of a similarly situated class of…


National Labor Relations Board Decision, Senate Bills 854, 863 and Comcast vs Entertainment Studios

On March 21st, the governor of Virginia signed into law an access to personnel records law. Under the law, every employer, upon receipt of a written request from a current or former employee or employee’s attorney furnish a copy of all records or papers retained by the employer in any format reflecting The employee’s dates…


The Weekly Scenario: Required Minimum Distribution

Question: I have a client who failed to take a required minimum distribution from his IRA.  Is there any way around the stiff penalty imposed by the IRS?


U.S. Women Win World Cup: The Lowdown on Their Lawsuit for Equal Pay

I truly enjoyed watching the FIFA World Cup. The excitement, energy, and sheer athletic prowess associated with this year’s tournament was phenomenal. For those that did not watch, the United States women went undefeated and took home the World Cup for the second consecutive time. This week, they returned to the States to a ticker-tape…


What Is Shared Custody And How Does A Maryland Court Determine Whether To Award It?

In Maryland, there are two forms of child custody: physical and legal. Legal custody is the decision-making authority to make long-range decisions that significantly affect a child’s life, such as education, religion, and health care. Shared legal custody (also referred to as “joint” legal custody) means that the parents share decision-making authority regarding the minor…


Agricultural Marketing Service Update: Farm Bill

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) recently published some website updates worthy of comment that relate to the 2018 Farm Bill, which expanded the ability for U.S. farmers to produce industrial hemp having no more than 0.3% THC content. The industry has been awaiting regulations which are expected to be published in…


D.C. Property Management Minute: What to do when a disgruntled tenant decides to form a “tenant association”

When it comes to property management, the District of Columbia has a unique set of laws. Join Billy each week as he gives you advice on dealing with a common property management problem in D.C. and how to quickly solve it.