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The Monday Morning Minute: If you make an exception for a protected class do you need to make it for everyone?

Access to Rental Housing on a fair and equal basis is a right – and it’s the law. As a property owner, management agent or if you make your living from residential real estate, spend a minute a week to protect yourself from fair housing claims and suits. Check out today’s The Monday Morning Minute.


M&A Nugget: Not One Size Fits All

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantThe adage “one size fits all” clearly does not apply to the enterprise value of a target. In today’s hectic M & A environment, valuations vary widely based in large part on the target’s industry and the type of purchaser. No one measure of value…


Franchise Facts: Getting Out of A Franchise

It is easy to understand why many franchisees believe their franchise agreements are “at-will” contracts that can be terminated at any time. Why would a franchisor insist on keeping a poorly performing or disgruntled franchisee in the family, right?


Friday Factoid Quiz: Clowns

International Clown Week is August 1-7 each year. To mark the occasion, test your knowledge of these intellectual property assets as they relate to clowns appearing in movies, songs, books, television shows, and Broadway musicals:


The Gimme – Federal Acquisitions

So short and simple, don’t take it for granted… but take a minute to read me!


Offit Kurman Launches M&A Pulse, the Online Destination for M&A News and Resources

Developed by Michael N. Mercurio, a principal attorney with Offit Kurman’s Business Law and Transactions Practice Group, M&A Pulse provides up-to-the-minute information and legal perspectives on business deals and the latest market trends. Features on the site include video interviews with CEOs, an M&A news feed, exclusive…


Real Estate Focus: Cottage Communities as a New Way to Live?

If you’re like me, you hear the word “cottage” and think quaint vacation spot or the setting for a fairy tale novel. However, a recent development in Washington, D.C. challenges this perhaps-common perception. Cottage Communities – or smaller single-family homes grouped in smaller pockets with a communal center. Cottage Communities connect homes that are approximately…


D.C. Property Management Minute: What to do if you are asked if you accept payments with financial assistance

When it comes to property management, the District of Columbia has a unique set of laws. Join Billy each week as he gives you advice on dealing with a common property management problem in D.C. and how to quickly solve it.


Now For Some Good News: Scammers Get Caught And Punished

We all hear stories about the financial exploitation of older adults, but we don’t often hear good news about the exploiters getting caught and being punished.  The Washington Post recently reported on a scammer who picked the wrong target in a lottery scheme and got caught in an FBI sting.  Like most scammers, this scammer…


Legalese Explained: Contingo

Language is a funny thing. I received a call from another attorney regarding my recent post on si oontingat, letting me know that the correct Latin phrase is si contingat. I immediately had flashbacks to high school Latin class and declensions and was embarrassed that I did not notice that oontingat did not have any of the…