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Friday Factoid Quiz: Collegiate Monikers, Mascots, and Mottos

September means it’s back to school time for students. Colleges take great pride in their names, mascots, and mottos, which are highly prized assets and which can be a huge source of revenue for sales of branded merchandise. Celebrate the season by testing your knowledge of these famous marks from the world of collegiate sports.


Marital Agreements and Beneficiary Designations

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantIt’s been years since Anna and Bill divorced. Still, Anna can recall the many disputes that arose before, during, and after their time together: the conversations about whether they needed a prenuptial agreement, the arguments about their eventual postnuptial agreement, the messy divisions of assets…


The Weekly Scenario: A 457 Plan

Question: What is a 457 plan and who is eligible to participate in a 457 plan?


How Delaware and EDTX are Adapting to § 101 Challenges

District Courts respond in various ways to the increase in pretrial motions based on Section 101, patent eligibility.  Here is a look at the practices of some of the districts with the most active patent dockets. In the District of Delaware, Judges Stark and Burke instituted periodic “Section 101 Day” hearings.  On November 16, 2018,…


Read Delete: The Phones Emitting the Most Radiation

Do you fall asleep with your phone under your pillow or have your phone in your pocket all day long at work? Our smartphones are almost always within arm’s reach in today’s digital era, but would we keep them so close and use them from sun up to sun down if we knew how much…


CEOminutes: Meet John Zour & Chad McClintock, Co-founders & Owners of In Our Gear

John Zour and Chad McClintock are the co-founders and owners of In Our Gear, a Maryland-based company that provides tools and training for first responders. Drawing on their careers as firefighters, John and Chad have created a number of life-saving devices, including the “JV” Tool, OUR Claw, and the Zour Tool, that improve operational speed and safety….


The Link Between Divorce And Childhood Weight Gain

As if their situations weren’t already difficult enough, parents undergoing divorces now have another concern to worry about: unhealthy weight gain in their children. That’s according to new research from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). In a study of over 7,500 children born between 2000 and 2002, researchers tracked individuals’ body…


Friday Factoid Quiz: International Picnic Day

Although International Picnic Day is officially June 18, every summer day is a good day for a picnic.  To celebrate the occasion and to provide a topic of discussion for your next outdoor meal, test your knowledge of these well-recognized picnic-related brands and famous picnic scenes from the movies:


The Weekly Scenario: Getting Estate Planning Documents Reviewed Periodically

Question: I had my estate planning documents prepared several years ago.  Do I need to have them reviewed periodically?


The Gimme – Teaming Agreement

So short and simple, don’t take it for granted… but take a minute to read me!