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How To Be An Influencer And Not Get Sued

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantHow To Be An Influencer And Not Get Sued Print Article | Download Article May 2019 – As seen in You’re popular, social media savvy and have a growing flock of followers. You want to be just like your mega-influencer role models Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid,…


Selling Your Business Later: 5 Must-Do’s Now

Selling Your Business Later: 5 Must-Do’s Now Print Article | Download Article June 2019 – As seen in Most entrepreneurs dream of one day selling their business and cashing in big. In reality, here’s how most business owners will end up: Dropping dead at their desks Mumbling to the lamp at the nursing home, or Just…


Gig Businesses Face Tug Of War Over New Employment Laws

Gig Businesses Face Tug Of War Over New Employment Laws Print Article | Download Article July 2019 – As seen in Uber, Lyft and other gig companies are caught in a tug of war. California is leading the charge to put them out of business. Texas and other states, even parts of the U.S. government, have…


Surviving The Coming Recession: A Letter To Young Entrepreneurs

Surviving The Coming Recession: A Letter To Young Entrepreneurs Print Article | Download Article July 2019 – As seen in Dear Business Owner, I hope this letter finds you and your business doing well. Even if everything’s great now, it’s not going to last. Winter is coming. Recessions happen. We’re due. Are you ready? You may…


Asset Protection For The Successful Entrepreneur

Asset Protection For The Successful Entrepreneur Print Article | Download Article September 2019 – As seen in One instant you could be celebrating your 60th birthday and retirement from a successful career in business. After accumulating what is affectionately known as “F.U.” money, you’re testing out your new $2.6 million Bugatti Chiron on a curve at…


Read Delete: Oktoberfest Pumps Up Its Beer Prices Again

Munich, Germany – the welcoming home of Oktoberfest. However, what’s not so welcoming is the rising cost of beer. According to a study conducted by, a liter of beer will cost between €10.80 and €11.80 this year, which is 3.1% more expensive than that of the previous year. This study also found that the…


New Maryland Laws May Affect Business Owners and Managers Starting October 1, 2019

Several new laws that may be relevant to business owners and managers will take effect on October 1, 2019, after being approved by the Maryland General Assembly earlier this year. Chapter 753 – Noncompete and Conflict of Interest Clauses Over the last several years, many states have witnessed the gradual erosion of the enforceability of…


Who Is Responsible When Robots Kill?

Who Is Responsible When Robots Kill? Print Article | Download Article February 2011 – As seen in Technological revolutions — like cryptocurrencies and robots — tend to outpace the law. Cryptocurrencies are being hacked and stolen. But, robots can kill. Increasingly, we are trusting robots with our lives. Sometimes the results are disastrous: Surgery robots routinely…


The Top Five Ways To Ruin Your Contracts

The Top Five Ways To Ruin Your Contracts Print Article | Download Article March 2019 – As seen in Good contracts are handshakes with teeth. Done correctly, they capture the parties’ deal. Better still, your company’s contracts can be tremendous assets that lock down your rights to money, goods and services. But, you can ruin all…


Entrepreneur Sickness: The Five Screwups Of Startups

Entrepreneur Sickness: The Five Screwups Of Startups Print Article | Download Article January 2019 – As seen in Startup visionaries ignore norms and often achieve great success. But, they also blow past laws and incur the wrath of regulators, amass penalties and cripple their businesses. From Tesla’s Elon Musk to Uber’s Travis Kalanick to Theranos’ Elizabeth…