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Read & Share: Here’s How U.S. Workers Really Feel About Meetings

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevant What are some things you would rather do than attend a bad meeting? According to this survey, Americans would rather go to the dentist, talk politics at dinner, or call Comcast than have to endure a crummy meeting. Other takeaways from this study show…


How to Stop Unsolicited Marketing Calls and Make Money in the Process | Part Two

A Guide to Starting a Self-Represented Lawsuit in New York The Call This part and the following parts constitute a step-by-step guide on how to sue unwanted telemarketers.   Step 1. Keep a record of all marketing calls you receive. There are numerous ways of keeping track of the calls you receive – a notebook…


A Lesson on Copyrights

Watch this video to get an overview of copyrights and how they work. Then download our Intellectual Property Audit Checklist to make sure that you are making the most of your IP assets!


The Weekly Scenario: The SECURE ACT vs. The ‘Stretch’ IRA

Question: Did the SECURE ACT kill the ‘stretch’ IRA?  What if my client wishes to leave her IRA benefits to her disabled child (do we still lose the stretch)?  Finally, what the heck does SECURE actually stand for?


Nail the Q1 Hustle—Or You’ll Get Left Behind This Year

What have you accomplished in 2020 so far? If you think it’s a bit early to be asking the question, take a look around your local business environment. In Virginia, ICF International Inc. just announced its $255 million acquisition of Incentive Technology Group. In Maryland, EN Engineering recently shared news of its plans to double…


Friday Factoid Quiz: Leap Day

Leap Day is here!!! An extra day (February 29th) is almost always added to our calendar every four years to keep our calendar in sync with the Earth’s rotation. To keep our calendar accurate, years dividable by 100 are not leap years unless they also can be divided by 400. This means 2000 was a leap year but 1900 was not! To recognize the intellectual property created by this event, test your knowledge of these famous people and artistic works relating to Leap Day:


LawMatters – February 2020

We understand how important freedom of choice is to a growing business. With the increasing popularity of flexible corporate structures, now might be a good time for business owners to take a step back and reassess the identity of their firm.


Ban-the-Box: New Maryland Law Limits Employer’s Inquiries

Ever wonder what you can and cannot ask a job applicant? Certain questions – such as family planning and disability status – are against the law in all states. However, certain issues, such as a potential employee’s criminal history, are not prohibited federally but limited on a state or local basis. Effective on February 29,…


Why a Lawyer, Not a Video, Should Train Your Employees on Sexual Harassment

Several states have recently mandated that employers provide sexual harassment training for employees: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, and New York. As an employment attorney with 25 years’ experience, I have often encountered the question of “Why do we need live sexual harassment training? Why can’t we use a video?” I am uncomfortable recommending that…


D.C. Property Management Minute: What Does it Mean to Keep Good Records on Tenants?

When it comes to property management, the District of Columbia has a unique set of laws. Join Billy each week as he gives you advice on dealing with a common property management problem in D.C. and how to quickly solve it.