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When’s A Property Settlement Agreement Not A Property Settlement Agreement? (Part Two)

Originally posted on 01/16/20, content updated on 11/23/23   In this second of a multi-part series (read part one here), I consider a second alternative “use” for a marital property settlement agreement, or PSA. With the help of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, I’ve previously noted that a document need not necessarily be defined solely by its…


OK at Work: Taking a Proactive Approach to Accommodation Requests

On this week’s OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss accommodation requests, the length of such accommodations, and the timing of a return to work. These challenges should not be considered in a vacuum. Instead, an employer should take a proactive approach to getting answers and engaging in the interactive process with the…


Suffer from the Holiday Blues? You’re Not Alone.

Originally posted 11/22/2019. No content changes. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Or so we’re told. The truth is that millions of people feel melancholy, lonely, sad, or even depressed during the holiday season. There’s a term for it, in fact: the holiday blues. Anyone can struggle with the holiday blues, but those…


When’s A Property Settlement Agreement Not A Property Settlement Agreement? (Part One)

Originally posted on 11/20/19, content updated on 11/20/23   In this first of a multi-part series (read part two here), I address some of the multiple potential “uses” to which one can put a property settlement agreement, or PSA, to use when other options aren’t available. “How’s that?” you ask.  For starters, to constitute a deed…


Holiday Harmony (or Hubbub): Disinheriting with Finesse

Whether it is the result of a discussion about politics, a few too many after-dinner drinks, or a shift in a family relationship, after every major holiday, calls from clients increase requesting a change in their estate plan. Regardless if you wish to reconsider who shall serve as guardian for your minor children in the…


Are You Properly Licensed to Sing “Happy Birthday”?

Originally posted on 02/20/20, content updated on 11/17/23   It can’t possibly be illegal to sing “Happy Birthday”…  can it?  We sing “Happy Birthday” about as often as we mow the lawn, fill up the car with gas, or go to the grocery store.  Until recently, however, we may have been doing so illegally, depending…


Traveling with Babies Recap

Originally posted 12/18/18, no content changes.  Does anyone enjoy flying with a baby? Infants themselves certainly don’t like the experience, but neither do their parents and aisle-mates. Young children’s cries and frequent needs (for food, attention, and diaper changes) can cause significant irritation on the part of other passengers. As a result, parents may experience…


The “Omnibus Order” – “Mutually Beneficial ‘Kitchen-sinking’” | Part Two

Originally posted on 05/06/20, content updated on 11/16/23   Read Part One here » If I’ve learned anything over my many years of legal practice, it’s not to under-estimate how much can be achieved in a single Final Order.  Having had my eyes opened to the “mutually beneficial kitchen-sinking” concept, I have taken the challenge…


Divorce-Planning: What You Need To Know Now

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.i Originally posted on 09/15/2020, content updated on 11/15/2023 Tumultuous marriages often turn into tumultuous divorces. Yet many who find themselves in such marriages and resultant divorces are actually taken aback by their spouse’s decision…


Protecting Your Business During Divorce: Strategies for Business Owners

Divorce is a challenging and emotional process, and it becomes even more complex when you own a business. Your business is not just a source of income but a significant asset that may be subject to division during divorce proceedings. There are some strategies and tips to help business owners navigate the divorce process while…