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Dirty Tricks Employed by Lawyers and Disregarded by Judges

People are getting smarter nowadays; they are letting lawyers, instead of their conscience, be their guide. (Will Rogers)   Divorce proceedings can often be emotionally charged and contentious, requiring individuals to seek legal representation to navigate through the complexities of the process. While most divorce lawyers uphold the highest standards of professionalism and ethics, there…


OK at Work: Contacting Employees on a Protected Leave

On this week’s OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss best practices related to reaching out to employees when they are on a protected leave, such as FMLA.  While not all contact would constitute impermissible interference, employers should understand the applicable rules and assess whether reaching out to an employee on leave violates…


Imputation of Income: Rebalancing the Support Scales

Money is like love; it kills slowly and painfully the one who withholds it, and enlivens the other who turns it on his fellow man. (Kahlil Gibran) When one or both spouses in a divorce fail to properly account for their income and expenses or pursue unemployment or underemployment in an attempt to inflate or…


Can You Keep It Quiet? Three Takeaways on a New Sexual Harassment Law

Have you ever felt uncomfortable in the workplace? Sexual harassment claims are difficult for both employees and management as they require navigating difficult and sometimes traumatic experiences while maintaining work as a team. Ultimately, concerns can be resolved (either with or without litigation), but “next steps” in terms of addressing the complaint or related feelings/issues…


How to Divide Time with Children Over the Holidays Recap

The holiday season is a time of tremendous joy, but it can also be a time of tremendous stress—especially for divorced parents who share custody of their children. Between splitting time, coordinating gifts, arranging travel, and communicating with relatives, you may face numerous demands that necessitate collaboration with your ex-spouse. This is particularly difficult for…


Caught Between Generations: A Roadmap for the Challenges and Strategies of the Sandwich Generation

In the ever-changing landscape of family dynamics and related demographics, a term has emerged in the last few years to describe a group of people who find themselves literally squeezed between the demands of caring for and planning for aging parents and supporting their own children: “The Sandwich Generation.” Personally, finding myself in this unique…


OK at Work: New York City’s Regulation of Generative AI

On this week’s OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss New York City’s regulation of generative AI in the context of employment decision-making and the obligation it places on employers that utilize these tools. In addition to this specific regulation, there are a number of laws that prohibit discrimination in the workplace that…


The Contours of a Franchisor’s Vicarious Liability

Originally posted on 10/27/2015, content updated on 11/28/2023 In a 2015 ruling that reflected a clear understanding of the distinction between the roles of the franchisor and franchisee, the Appeals Court of Massachusetts held that Domino’s was not vicariously liable for the acts of its franchisee that resulted in the death of the franchisee’s delivery…


Securing the O-1 Visa: A Recipe for Unlocking the Culinary Dream

The O-1B visa is a golden ticket for foreign culinary professionals to bring their culinary skills to the US. The O-1B visa, which is for artists of extraordinary ability, also extends to skilled chefs and bakers. Yes, if you are a culinary professional exploring visa options for the US, the O-1B visa option might be…


23 and Me (and who?) and your Estate Plan

Originally posted on 12/10/2022, content updated on 11/27/2023 With the holidays just around the corner, the advertisements for the home DNA test kits are everywhere: For only $99, give the gift of your family tree!  In fact, a local restaurateur told me recently that one night he had two separate tables of families “meeting” both…