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Cohabitation Agreements: Protecting Assets and Income of Unmarried Couples Residing Together in DC

Unmarried couples residing together in the District of Columbia would be wise to execute a cohabitation agreement defining their rights and responsibilities to avoid substantial financial risk. The District of Columbia is one of a small number of jurisdictions in the United States that recognize “common-law marriage.” Contrary to popular belief, there is no minimum…


B-1 Visa for Domestic Workers

Co-authored with Zainab Salman Anwar The B-1 visa is an ideal solution for personal employees or domestic workers to accompany or join a U.S. citizen employer temporarily in the United States. This visa category caters to a range of domestic roles, including cooks, chauffeurs, valets, footmen, nannies, housemaids, gardeners, and paid companions.   Requirements for…


In Landmark Ruling Pope Francis Approves Priestly Blessings for Same-sex Couples (Under Certain Circumstances)

On December 18, Pope Francis approved a landmark ruling allowing Roman Catholic priests to administer blessings to same-sex couples as long as they are not part of regular Church rituals or liturgies nor given in contexts related to civil unions or weddings. The declaration from the Vatican’s doctrinal office, approved by Pope Francis, said such…


OK at Work: The Challenges of Work-Sponsored Holiday Parties

On this week’s OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger once again discuss the challenges of work-sponsored holiday parties.  While such parties are important for office culture and team building, it is important to remember that certain workplace rules still apply, and employees should behave accordingly.  Listen to learn more!


New D.C. Law Will Remove Divorce Waiting Requirements

The Council of the District of Columbia has passed a law that will eliminate the requirement that spouses live separate and apart without cohabitation before filing for divorce. On December 3, 2023, the Council passed D.C. Act 25-322, which deletes from the D.C. Code the requirement that spouses either be separated for six months if…


When to Review your Estate Plan: The 5 Ds

Originally posted 12/17/2020, no content changes. You finally sat down with an estate planning attorney after years of procrastination and created an estate plan that reflects your wishes: can you file it away with the rest of your important documents and never think about it again? Not exactly.  As a rule of thumb, you should…


Protecting Contractors’ Rights Filing and Perfecting Mechanic’s Liens in Virginia

In the complex realm of construction and property development, contractors and suppliers often find themselves grappling with payment disputes. A Mechanic’s lien can provide a powerful tool to secure payment for services rendered or materials supplied. This article briefly introduces the procedures to file and perfect a mechanic’s lien under Virginia law.[1] What is a…


Finding Holiday Joy During a Separation or Divorce

Originally posted 12/18/19, no content changes.  A divorce or separation is rarely convenient, but it’s especially difficult when it happens in or around the holiday season. If you’re currently splitting up with a spouse, you may feel extremely stressed out and overwhelmed. If you’ve just completed a divorce or separation, you may be exhausted and…


Possession – Is It Really Nine-Tenths of the Law?

What does the expression “possession is nine-tenths of the law” mean? “Possession is nine-tenths of the law” is simply a recognition of presumed ownership. As highlighted recently in an Alexandria federal case over the rightful heirs to four original Norman Rockwell paintings (see Elam v. Early, Case No. 1:23-cv-229), the common law provides that the…


It’s Tax Time

Although most folks think that tax time is April 15th or thereabouts, there are a number of things that you should consider doing before the end of the year that may affect your tax obligation for 2023. Certainly, check with your accountant or tax advisor, but generally, the end of December and the beginning of…