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Employers Beware of States with Voting Leave Laws

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantAs the election gets closer, employers that cross jurisdictions must be aware of the various voting leave laws that affect the state(s) where their employees are working. The purpose of this blog is to provide an overview of the voting laws in the U.S. Employers…


Free Webinar: D.C. Moratorium on Eviction Notices and the Fairness in Renting Emergency Amendment Act of 2020

WEBINAR HELD Monday, October 26th, 20201:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Watch The Recording Join Billy Cannon, Brian Dorwin and Jennifer Friend-Kelly for a legal update on new legislation passed by D.C. City Council and its impact on property management, including the D.C. Moratorium on Eviction Notices and the Fairness in Renting Emergency Amendment Act of 2020….


Read & Share: The Fastest Cars in the World

With the Tuatara, the U.S. car manufacturer Shelby SuperCars (SSC) has broken the speed record for a production car. Over a distance of approximately eleven kilometers, the sports car achieved an average speed of 509 kilometers per hour, clearly putting the previous record holder, the Chiron from Bugatti, in its place. As this infographic, based on figures…


Celebrities, They’re Just Like Us!

Charlotte may not be Hollywood, CA, but we have our share of local celebrities. And some of those celebrities need family law attorneys from time to time. Over the years, we have represented professional athletes when they needed the assistance of a family law attorney to help them end their marriage. We’ve helped professional athletes…


This Week in Real Estate: Why are Delaware Real Estate Settlements SO Different?

Contrary to just about every jurisdiction in the country, all real estate settlements for real property a located within the State of Delaware must be performed by a Delaware licensed attorney.  The Delaware Supreme Court has designated just about all aspects of a real estate transaction as the practice of law.  As such, each and…


Five Reasons Why Clients Dislike Their Current Attorneys

If you are in business, you likely have used an attorney.  But are you satisfied that the relationship is providing you with maximum value?  I hear the sometimes not so good intersections that business folks have with attorneys.  Why is that the case?  Check out my 5 reasons infographic that I thought again timely, given…


You Bet!: Important Things for DC Sportsbooks to Consider Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

In December 2019, the District of Columbia Lottery began to accept applications for sports gambling licenses.  While various market participants prepared to submit applications to become licensed operators, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic changed, and in most instances, halted these efforts.  In the wake of COVID-19, the District of Columbia and the surrounding jurisdictions…


Employee Salaries: Three Things to Know About Equal Pay

The global pandemic has transformed everyday interaction both in and outside of work. Despite the emergence of our “new normal,” some things remain unchanged, such as employees’ desire to be treated in the same way regardless of their gender, race, or sexual orientation. This desire is evidenced in a lawsuit recently filed by professors at…


Don’t Sit on Your Lien Rights: There’s No Extension to Filing Mechanic’s Lien Claims Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic

While the courts in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey extended case filing deadlines as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, neither they nor the Pennsylvania and New Jersey legislatures have extended the deadline to file mechanic’s lien claims. Accordingly, if you are a contractor or subcontractor performing work in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, you must…


Batista’s Workplace Beat – October 2020

    Time Off to Vote The election is less than two weeks away, are you required to provide employees time off to vote? The presidential election is nearing. As we have seen from the long lines for early voting and the concern over mail in ballots, getting to the polls may prove difficult for…