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The Weekly Scenario: Guardians and Trustees

Sometimes the people who are the most nurturing are not necessarily the best at handling money.  Although the person you name as guardian of a minor child can also serve as Trustee of a trust established for the child, it may not be the best solution. The dual role of guardian and Trustee presents the…


Vaccine Mandates: Are the Tides of Public Opinion Turning and Will it Lead to Increased Mandates?

Dr. Anthony Fauci recently expressed his support for more local vaccine mandates for schools and businesses, which was swiftly followed by a barrage of state and local governments and healthcare companies mandating the vaccine. While businesses have always been able to require vaccination, many have shied away from doing so based on the practical and…


U.S.-Swiss Tax Treaty Benefits for Dividend Payments to IRAs Under the 2021 CAA

Introduction. On June 7, 2021, the IRS published in Announcement 2021-11, 2021-23 I.R.B. 1196 the new Competent Authority Arrangement (“CAA”) of May 6, 2021, by and between the competent authorities of the United States and Switzerland (“Authorities”) regarding pension or other retirement benefits that may be eligible for tax relief under paragraph 3 of Article…


Not Forgetting Trademarks: Protecting your NFT Brand

To Read Part One of our NFT series, click here »» This latest installment in Offit Kurman’s NFT series looks at protecting NFT’s under trademark law. As of July 21, 2021, a search of the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database shows that 407 trademark applications have been filed that list “non-fungible tokens” as…


Can Employers Still Ask Employees Whether They Have Been Vaccinated?

Unfortunately, we’re not out of the woods. With the delta variant of COVID-19 surging and vaccination hesitancy causing many to refrain from getting vaccinated, states continue to modify their pandemic laws and regulations. This has left employers wondering whether they can still ask employees whether they have been vaccinated. So, this week, I’m answering: Can employers still…


CDC Issues Updated Guidance for Fully Vaccinated Individuals

On July 27, 2021, the CDC issued an Updated Guidance for Fully Vaccinated individuals. Below is an overview of the Guidance: Fully Vaccinated people should wear a mask in public indoor settings in areas of Substantial or High Transmission. The CDC has an interactive map where employers can confirm whether their county is considered to…


M&A Nuggets: Laws Triggered by a Merger

    As part of due diligence,  purchasers investigate whether selling targets are in compliance with the myriad of laws governing a target’s historical business operations.  Separate and apart from those laws, are laws that are actually triggered by a merger, that is, that would not apply but for the planned merger.  Sellers and purchasers…


OK at Work: The Emerging Cold & Flu Season in the Workplace

On this week’s episode of OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss the impact of COVID-19 on this year’s cold and flu season now that many individuals are vaccinated. Currently, the CDC guidance for individuals experiencing COVID-19 symptoms remains the same for vaccinated and unvaccinated employees: if you experience COVID-19 symptoms, isolate. Under…


Hiring a Private Investigator for Your Divorce, Child Custody, or Visitation Case

Certain divorces, child custody, and other family cases can benefit from the use of a private investigator.  These trained experts can be very helpful in obtaining documentation about lifestyles, assets, incomes, roommates, friends, paramours, and parents.  For instance, investigators can often find out someone’s criminal record, work history, hidden affluence, living arrangements, and travel.  They…


Read & Share: Visualized: The Biggest Ponzi Schemes in Modern History

Visualized: The Biggest Ponzi Schemes in Modern History Some things simply sound too good to be true, but when money is involved, our judgement can become clouded. This is often the case with Ponzi schemes, a type of financial fraud that lures investors by promising abnormally high returns. Money brought in by new members is used…