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How to Avoid Common and Costly Divorce Mistakes

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantEveryone knows how expensive divorce can be. In addition to attorney’s fees, there are other, potentially more expensive costs that can take a terrible financial toll months and years into the future. The following are some examples of what these costly divorce mistakes are and…


OK at Work: COVID-19 Workplace FAQ

On this week’s episode of OK at Work, Russell Berger and Sarah Sawyer address a number of frequently asked questions regarding COVID-19 protective measures in the workplace. Russell and Sarah discuss the options available to employers looking to implement protections in their workplace, the challenges of complying with current CDC guidance, the need to adhere…


Read & Share: Map Explainer- Visualizing the Critical Metals in a Smartphone

Visualizing the Critical Metals in a Smartphone   In an increasingly connected world, smartphones have become an inseparable part of our lives. Over 60% of the world’s population owns a mobile phone and smartphone adoption continues to rise in developing countries around the world. While each brand has its own mix of components, whether it’s…


CHARLOTTE’S 2040 PLAN – No, the Sky Isn’t Falling

There has been a bit of consternation among HOA boards around Charlotte the last few months, before and after the City Council approved the controversial “2040 Plan” that will guide development in the city for the coming decades. In particular, it is the provision that allows the city to rezone neighborhoods currently zoned for single-family…


The Weekly Scenario: Items that an Estate Plan Should Provide for a Spouse

  The objectives that we hear most often from clients regarding a spouse include: I want my spouse to be able to maintain the lifestyle that we currently enjoy after I’m gone. I want to protect what I leave my spouse from people who might otherwise take advantage whether family members or strangers. I am…


That’s a violation of HIPAA! But is it…

It has certainly been an eventful summer from the reopening of businesses and office spaces, talk of a fall “comeback” with many employers hoping to return the majority of their workforce to working in person or operating in a hybrid model, and the elimination of mask mandates to the reinstatement of mask mandates, a delta…


The 5 Professionals You Need on Your Side During a Divorce

You have probably heard the old saying, “You don’t know what you don’t know” before, but when you have made the decision to divorce, that saying becomes much more relevant in your day-to-day life as you work your way through the divorce process. Divorce is more than just deciding “we aren’t going to be married…


GSK v. Teva: August 2021 Panel Rehearing – Another Round on Coreg®

Teva’s sales of its generic carvedilol product (generic equivalent to GSK’s Coreg®) induce infringement of GSK’s U.S. Patent RE40,000.[1] This is round two, Teva again being found to induce infringement, following a prior ruling in October 2020.[2] This latest ruling followed Teva’s request for panel rehearing following the October 2020 ruling that found essentially the…


OK at Work: Technology in the Workplace

On this week’s episode of OK at Work, Russell Berger and Sarah Sawyer discuss how advances in technology impact employers, including how automation impacts the need for employees and software solutions are streamlining operations. As costs associated with retaining and training employees continue to rise, Sarah and Russell discuss how companies can use technology to…


Special Needs Require Special Attention in Child Custody Cases

Divorces and child custody cases come in all shapes and varieties. I have been representing clients experiencing these family transitions for over twenty-five years, and one thing that has remained the same is that every case deserves its own special analysis to find the right solution for the parents and children specifically involved. That fact…