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Unexpected Long-Lasting Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Employers

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had long-lasting impacts on the workplace as we now enter the twentieth month of the pandemic. Some effects were expected, such as increased safety precautions, layoffs, rehiring, closed offices, and remote work. However, some of the challenges facing employers have been a bit more unexpected and longer-lasting than initially anticipated….


Should I Ask for Lump Sum Alimony in My Divorce?

Believe it or not, we are in the last quarter of 2021! We’ve all been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic effects it brought with it for over 18 months now. In the family law arena, we’ve seen the current economic climate create an increase in the number of actions seeking modification of…


OK at Work: Reviewing Your Legal Processes and Documents

This week on OK at Work, Russell Berger and Sarah Sawyer discuss the challenges business owners face when they attempt to wear too many hats and how that can lead to legal issues, particularly in the employment context. Like going to the doctor for a routine check-up, business owners should periodically review key legal documents…


What is a Workplace Safety Policy? Three Important Takeaways from Recent Events.

The recent killing of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, on the set of the movie Rust, provides a solemn reminder that all workplaces may be subject to tragedy without careful oversight. While details are still emerging on what happened, the loss and injury of life are devastating. The incident is also a reminder that, in many cases,…


What Are the Benefits of Mediation in a Divorce Case?

The Advantages of Negotiating a South Carolina Divorce Agreement in Mediation Mediation is an alternative form of dispute resolution which is growing in popularity because of its many advantages over traditional courtroom litigation to resolve divorce cases. South Carolina now requires mediation in most family court cases before a trial can be scheduled. Although most…


Read & Share: Is $1 Million Enough for Retirement in America?

Is $1 Million Enough for Retirement in America?   The average American needs their retirement savings to last them 14 to 17 years. With this in mind, is $1 million in savings enough for the average retiree? Ultimately, it depends on where you live since the average cost of living varies across the country. Using data compiled…


The Weekly Scenario: Tax Update

  As you have likely heard, there are a number of proposed tax rules under Federal law that are working their way through Congress.  One potential change could have a dramatic impact on people who own life insurance policies inside of irrevocable life insurance trusts. The House Ways and Means Committee recently released an outline…


EEOC Provides More Info as Federal Vaccine Mandate Approaches

On October 13, 2021, the EEOC updated its FAQ: What You Should Know About COVID-19, the ADA, and the Rehabilitation Act and Other EEO Laws. As previously discussed, OSHA is expected to promulgate the emergency temporary standards relating to the vaccine/testing requirements for employers with more than 100 employees. This blog focuses on the updates…


Will I Be Awarded Attorney’s Fees in a Family Court Case?

Family Court cases can be expensive. Some of the questions that we are most frequently asked involve cost, but the question we get most often is, “Is possible to require the other side to pay my attorney’s fees and costs?” Some other variations we get are, “If we ‘win’ the case, will the Court automatically…


OK at Work: Record-Keeping and Employee Documents

This week on OK at Work, Russell Berger and Sarah Sawyer discuss the importance of record-keeping and some policies and practices around keeping employee documents, including documents pertaining to hiring, firing, and compensation. Companies must be mindful of adequately maintaining documentation relevant to their workforce as failure to do so can have weighty legal consequences….