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Attorneys Florian von Eyb and Mo Syed to Attend the 2024 SelectUSA Investment Summit

Attorneys Mohammad Ali Syed and Florian von Eyb will represent the firm at the upcoming SelectUSA Investment Summit, held from June 23 to 26, 2024, at National Harbor, Maryland. This summit, hosted by the U.S. Department of Commerce, is a premier event connecting global investors with opportunities across the United States.


The SelectUSA Investment Summit, the most prominent event dedicated to promoting foreign direct investment (FDI) in the United States, is a key platform for our firm. Hosted by the U.S. Department of Commerce, this summit unites companies from around the globe, economic development organizations from all over the nation, and other entities working to facilitate business investment in the United States.


About Our Attending Attorneys

  • Mohammad Ali Syed is an attorney in our immigration law practice group. With his extensive experience in immigration law, Mr. Syed will provide valuable insights into immigration-related aspects of foreign investment in the United States; view his profile here.


  • Florian von Eybis an attorney in our international practice group. His comprehensive knowledge and experience in international business transactions and corporate law make him an ideal representative for discussions on cross-border investments and legal considerations for foreign businesses entering the U.S. market. View Mr. von Eyb’s profile here.

Mr. Syed and Mr. von Eyb will participate in discussions and networking sessions aimed at facilitating international business ventures and promoting economic development in the U.S. Their attendance at this summit reaffirms Offit Kurman’s commitment to supporting international business and investment. Our attorneys look forward to engaging with global investors, sharing their expertise, and exploring new opportunities for our clients in the dynamic landscape of foreign direct investment in the United States.


For more information about the 2024 SelectUSA Summit, please click here.