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Navigating High-Asset Divorce Cases

Male and female hands pulling money, dividing marital property during divorceHigh-asset divorces typically involve couples with substantial wealth, including real estate, investments, business interests, and other valuable assets. These cases require a meticulous approach to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of assets, spousal support, and child custody arrangements.

Determining the value of complex assets such as businesses, stock options, and intellectual property can be challenging. Valuation experts may be required to assess the worth of these assets accurately.

In some cases, spouses may attempt to conceal assets to reduce the amount subject to division. Uncovering hidden assets demands thorough financial investigations, and forensic accounting may be possible.

The tax consequences of asset distribution need careful consideration. Dividing assets without a comprehensive understanding of tax implications can lead to unexpected financial burdens.

When one or both spouses own a business, the division or buy-out of business assets becomes a critical issue. This involves assessing the business’s value and determining the most equitable way to distribute ownership interests.

High-asset divorces often involve substantial spousal support considerations. Calculating the appropriate amount requires a detailed analysis of each spouse’s financial situation and needs.

Your divorce attorney will help you engage the necessary financial experts, such as forensic accountants and valuation professionals.  Comprehensive documentation of all assets, liabilities, and financial transactions is essential in determining the marital estate.

Given the complexity of high-asset divorces, negotiation and mediation can be effective methods for reaching agreements outside the courtroom. This allows the parties more control over the outcome.

Having a well-drafted prenuptial or postnuptial agreement can simplify the divorce process by establishing clear guidelines for asset division and financial arrangements.  If you have such an agreement, you should provide a copy to your attorney.

Each spouse should seek experienced legal representation with experience in high-asset divorces. Attorneys with expertise in this area can navigate the legal complexities and advocate for their client’s best interests.


professional headshot of principal attorney, Sandra | 240.507.1716

As a family law attorney, Sandra (Sandy) Brooks’ practice focuses on a wide range of aspects in regards to family law. She dedicates her time to assisting clients in domestic law matters including divorce, child custody and visitation, family mediation, spousal and child support, property division, and division of retirement benefits. Other matters that fall under her jurisdiction as a family law attorney include tax consequences of divorce, mediation, prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements, negotiating and drafting of separation agreements, domestic litigation, and post-judgment proceedings.