Executive Dialogue Groups

Executive Dialogue Groups (EDGs) are peer advisory groups for business owners/CEOs and other C-level executives of successful businesses. We have carved out the core component of the peer advisory experience — the small group meeting — and eliminated the “extras.” No “bells & whistles,” no retreats, day-long meetings, spousal events... just the essence of what gives peer advisory groups their value.

Program Features

  • 2-hour meetings
  • 8 to 10 executives from diverse industries
  • Round-table discussions
  • Guest experts
  • Skilled facilitator
  • Additional special events

How Do I Participate?

Participation is by invitation. An interview process based on company size, competitor/ vendor relationships ensures proper placement into a group that promises maximum value to each participant. Prospective participants are invited to attend a meeting as our guest.

For more information about the Executive Dialogue Groups, contact
Jim Ries
at 410.209.6455 or jries@offitkurman.com.

Two Types of EDGs
  • Small Business EDG: For businesses with 25 to 100 employees
  • 100+ EDG: For businesses with 100 employees or more
Convenient Locations
  • Baltimore County
  • Howard County
Participation Benefits
  • Direct and honest feedback from a committed group of knowledgeable informal advisors
  • A strong support network
  • Access to objective advice, new ideas and broad perspective
  • Introduction to experts and centers of influence
  • Participants become better leaders and run better companies
The Ideal EDG Candidate
  • Business owner/C-level executive
  • Company size of up to 500 or more employees
  • Attracted to the concept of peer advisory groups but not the typical time and cost commitments • Is willing to commit two hours a month to the “business” of running a business
  • Wants to be a better executive and lead his/ her company to a higher level of success

Participant Testimonials

“I look forward to the Executive Dialogue Group (EDG) meetings. It provides me with an opportunity to interact with other business leaders in a noncompetitive environment and gain insights into issues affecting business that I would not have access to otherwise. Having an opportunity to share what keeps me up at night and learn from others how they deal with similar issues has made the EDG a must make meeting on my calendar.”
Charles A. Phillips, Jr., KCI TECHNOLOGIES INC.

“The Executive Dialogue meetings provide me with an opportunity to refresh my perspective. Bright minded individuals help me consider various aspects of my business along with suggestions on how to improve. Lastly, it’s a place to create and maintain friendships and business connections. I look forward to attending each month“
Doug McGinnis, Bunting Door & Hardware Co., Inc.

“I’ve been in the Executive Dialogue Group (EDG) for over twelve years. The greatest benefits are the breadth of information and learning from the experiences of others. The EDG adds to my knowledge of what I bring to the business.”
Brian Greenbaum, Concrete Protection & Restoration, Inc.

“The Executive Dialogue Group (EDG) has positively impacted my company by providing timely insight into local market conditions and information on the many important topics that are covered at our meetings. Because my EDG only meets for two hours, I can easily schedule it on my calendar. However, when I have a conflict, there is the flexibility to attend one of the other EDG meetings so that I don’t forgo the benefit of participating in the thought provoking group discussions.”
Glenn Baer, Atlantic Lift Truck, Inc.

“All CEOs and Executive leadership need forums to refresh, validate, question and receive relevant economic data that is current to the moment. The Executive Dialogue Group (EDG), composed of a very diverse collection of local businesses, does this in a concise effective manner. We openly share today’s challenges developing an expanded network of trusted advisors and also hear from speakers who present current topics of interest.”
Rick Huether, Independent Can

“The value (of being in an EDG)… is that in a very brief amount of time, you have an opportunity to bounce ideas off other CEOs in an interactive and unthreatening environment… Executive Dialogue Groups are for leaders with a limited amount of time to invest… they can go right to the core of the peer advisory experience to get what they need.”
Michael Cohn, Summit Business Technologies

“I always look forward to our Executive Dialogue meetings. In an efficient manner, I hear a snapshot of multiple dimensions of the local, regional and world economy. Also, the speaker topics are timely and thought provoking which is attributable to the excellent efforts of our facilitator, Buddy Potler.”
Ann (Parker) Croom, InSource Solutions



Experience is the better teacher, but who says it has to be only your own?